About Me

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I am an AMS certified Early Childhood Directress

Thursday, December 31, 2009

My First Blog Award .......

I am so excited to receive my first ever Blog Award from Montessori Moments at http://mymontessorihomeblog.blogspot.com/! It is so exciting to be able to share ideas and thoughts with other Montessorians. I am still trying to figure out the ins and outs of blogging so thank you for being patient with me!

Some of my favorite Blogs that have been such an inspiration to me are:

Montessori Mama

P.S. Montessori

Beautiful Sun Montessori

Sunrise Learning Lab

Montessori Spanish


  1. Many thanks and PEACE to you who continues to bring sunshine to all!
    Thanks for the recognition PattyAnnie

  2. Hi! Just wanted to let you know I have an award for you on my blog!
    Have a nice day!

    (My blog is in Croatian, but you have translator - left sidebar)
